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 Joice Ferrão Soares

I've always felt a very strong connection with spirituality. The year 1990 was an important one for me in my spiritual quest, because I began to practice Siddha Yoga meditation. This made me feel like a new and extraordinary path opened in my life. 


By meditating, I began to connect with other dimensions and I felt the need to learn techniques that would help me reach a higher state of enlightenment. I practiced holistic therapies, such as Reiki, Pranic Healing and Healing with Crystals. 


In 2010 I went to London, where I met Diana Cooper, an Angels scholar, writer and world-renowned teacher.

I decided to take some courses at the Diana Cooper School and I fell in love with the Angels! 


I graduated as an Angel Teacher, Transform Your Life Teacher and Lemurian Healing Teacher at the Diana Cooper School.


Since then I've worked with the Angels' energy, helping people to connect with these wonderful, enlightened beings! I put a lot of love into my work and I'm totally connected to the heart. 



Peace and Light from the Angels! 











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